
Opções de Equipamentos

smart memosimNão
GasTest delta3simNão
Druktest maxsimNão
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Option AGFW FW 602
Option AGFW FW 602Menu-guided pressure test procedures for carrying out pressure tests on district heating pipes according to AGFW FW 602 (Germany): - Differential pressure measurement method (air) - Pressure measurement method (air) - Simultaneous pressure measurement (air) - Water pressure test
Annual fee option package "smart MPP"
Annual fee option package "smart MPP"The option package includes the use of the additional functions “option remote control“ and „option air volume measurement“ in the smart memo. The period of use is one year. The annual fee is due on date of order in terms of prepaid charges. After expiration of the period of use the option package will be inactivated. A new or subsequent order of the option package can be placed at any time. The annual fee can be payed for multiple years in advance. This option package can only be used in conjunction with the motor test pumps MPP 30-30/ MPP 70-35 and the smart memo. Another requirement is the option „flow measurement“ in the MPP 30-30/MPP 70-35. The following services are included: Option remote control This option means that the smart memo and the MPP 30-30/MPP 70-35 can communicate with each other and exchange measured values. Test sequences for water pressure tests can be carried out partially automated. The smart memo controls the pump and starts/ stops the pressure control/maintenance at the right time. Option air volume measurement With the help of this option in combination with the MPP 30-30/MPP 70-35 a determination of the residual air in the tested pipe is performed. Directly after the end of the pressure build-up phase, a rating for the absence of air in the pipe is displayed. With the air volume measurement, the smart memo can detect critical high air contents at an early stage and the user is spared unnecessary time and effort. This option can currently only be configured after the LTE-GPS Option (222610) has been selected.
Option Wastewater EN 1610
Option Wastewater EN 1610Menu-guided test procedures for carrying out pressure tests on wastewater pipelines and manholes in accordance with the regulations EN 1610 (Europe), DWA-A 139 (Germany) and DWA-M 149-6 (Germany). This option includes the following menu items in the device: Wastewater Procedure Air : Carry out the tests with the test medium air in accordance with the regulations mentioned. EDS2-P 1 bar pressure sensor required. Wastewater Procedure water: Carry out the tests with the test medium water in accordance with the regulations mentioned. EDS2 level probe and EDS2 dosing valve required. The menu item "Wastewater Procedure Water" will be finalised later and can be installed via an update of the device without additional booking as soon as it is available.
Annual fee digitisation OLLI
Annual fee digitisation OLLIAnnual fee for sending measurements via the Esders Connect app (Android, iOS, Windows) by means of a flat rate. The annual fee must be paid in advance (prepaid) and is due at the time of booking. It is device-specific, can be renewed at any time and can also be paid for several years in advance in order to plan the period of use long-term. When the term expires, measurements can still be sent. However, these are billed individually and debit the measurement quota. The credit for this can be recharged via the measurement package (item 222550).
Option volume measurement
Option volume measurementMeasurement of the gas volume based on the flow velocity when flushing gas pipes in combination with the Mobile Gas Flare S (402280) or the Mobile Gas Flare M (402380) and the Mobile Gas Flare L - CH4 (402480). This option requires the pressure measurement option (282124 or 282135) for the OLLI (280000/280040/280060).
Option EN 805
Option EN 805Menu-driven test procedures for pressure tests on water pipes according to rules and regulations of EN 805 (Europe): - Contraction procedure - Normal procedure
HUNTER / HUNTER Tracer Gas Remote Control
HUNTER / HUNTER Tracer Gas Remote ControlIn combination with the Esders Connect app (Android, iOS, Windows), enables the live measured values of the device to be displayed on a smartphone, tablet or PC (Android, iOS, Windows). The zero point can also be set manually and the alarm deactivated. The function only applies to the "above-ground testing" use case (HUNTER) respectively "leak detection" (HUNTER Tracer Gas).
Option DVGW G 469 C3
Option DVGW G 469 C3Menu-guided test sequence for carrying out pressure tests on gas pipelines in accordance with DVGW G 469 C3 procedure (Germany). For this menu item, the pressure curve is not evaluated by the smart memo, as this test procedure is usually evaluated by an expert. The test measurement data is available as an Excel list in Esders Connect.
Annual fee "Digitalisation" HUNTER / HUNTER Tracergas
Annual fee "Digitalisation" HUNTER / HUNTER TracergasAnnual fee for sending measurements via the Esders Connect app (Android, iOS, Windows) by means of a flat rate. The annual fee must be paid in advance (prepaid) and is due at the time of booking. It is device-specific, can be renewed at any time and can also be paid for several years in advance in order to plan the period of use long-term. When the term expires, measurements can still be sent. However, these are billed individually and debit the measurement quota. The credit for this can be recharged via the measurement package (item 222550).
Annual fee ‘Digitisation’ smart memo
Annual fee ‘Digitisation’ smart memoAnnual fee to activate the following additional functions: 1. sending measurements via the Esders Connect app (Android, iOS, Windows) in the form of a flat rate. 2. activation of a live measurement in the smart memo. The live measurement includes a data transmission of measured values during an ongoing test in order to be able to observe the measurement progress remotely. The data transfer takes place at regular intervals, depending on the test in progress. The annual fee must be paid in advance (prepaid) and is due at the time of booking. It applies per measuring device, can be renewed at any time and can also be paid for several years in advance in order to plan the period of use in the long term. Once the term has expired, measurements can still be sent. However, these are billed individually and charge the metering quota. The credit for this can be topped up using the measurement package (item 222550). A smart memo with LTE module is required for this function. Live measurement is available for the following menu items: W400 standard procedure W400 contraction procedure W400 influence-minimised standard procedure W400 accelerated standard procedure G469 B3 distribution pipe G469 C3 inspection EDS2 data logger pressure test free external EN805 standard procedure EN805 contraction procedure FW602 pressure test FW602 simultaneous pressure test FW602 hydrostatic test FW602 differential pressure test G E101 MOP ≤ 100 mbar G E101 100 mbar < MOP ≤ 6 bar G E101 6 bar < MOP ≤ 16 bar W 101 standard procedure W 101 contraction procedure G-22/G-23 LP G-22/G-23 HP
Laser HUNTER Remote Control
Laser HUNTER Remote ControlIn combination with the Esders Connect app (Android, iOS, Windows), enables the live measured values of the device to be displayed on a smartphone, tablet or PC (Android, iOS, Windows). The zero point can also be set manually and the alarm deactivated. The function only applies to the "above-ground testing" use case.
Annual fee "Digitalisation" Laser HUNTER
Annual fee "Digitalisation" Laser HUNTERAnnual fee for sending measurements via the Esders Connect app (Android, iOS, Windows) by means of a flat rate. The annual fee must be paid in advance (prepaid) and is due at the time of booking. It is device-specific, can be renewed at any time and can also be paid for several years in advance in order to plan the period of use long-term. When the term expires, measurements can still be sent. However, these are billed individually and debit the measurement quota. The credit for this can be recharged via the measurement package (item 222550).
OLLI Remote Control
OLLI Remote ControlIn combination with the Esders Connect app (Android, iOS, Windows), enables the live measured values of the device to be displayed on a smartphone, tablet or PC. The function only applies to the ‘Workspace monitoring’ mode. ATTENTION: In the event of deviations, the display in the gas analyser is always leading!
Annual fee "Digitalisation" GasTest delta3
Annual fee "Digitalisation" GasTest delta3Annual fee for sending measurements via the Esders Connect app (Android, iOS, Windows) by means of a flat rate. The annual fee must be paid in advance (prepaid) and is due at the time of booking. It is device-specific, can be renewed at any time and also be paid for several years in advance in order to plan the period of use long-term. When the term expires, measurements can still be sent. However, these are billed individually and debit the measurement quota. The credit for this can be recharged via the measurement package (item 222550).
Option SVGW W4
Option SVGW W4Menu-driven test procedures for pressure tests on water pipes according to rules and regulations of SVGW W4 (switzerland): - Contraction procedure - Normal procedure - accelerated normal procedure
Option DVGW W 400-2
Option DVGW W 400-2Menu-driven pressure test procedures for water pipes according to German DVGW W 400-2 - Contraction procedure - Accelerated normal procedure - Normal procedure - Influence-minimized normal procedure
Option pump
Option pumpIntegrated pump with a flow rate of approx. 20 l/h. The pump forwards gas via different available probes to the sensors. A nipple incl. filter on the upper side of the housing is used to connect probes to the instrument. Operating time is reduced by approx. 40% compared to diffusion version. Instrument dimensions with integrated pump: 171 x 78 x 43 mm Weight: approx. 380 g
Option Sensor Array
Option Sensor ArrayOption Sensor Array Possible measurement / indication ranges (subject to configuration): ppm 0 - 22,000 ppm methane LEL 0 - 100% LEL methane Vol.% 0 - 100 Vol.% methane Resolution is subject to chosen application and can be set within given limits.
Option Dual IR sensor
Option Dual IR sensorMeasurement of combustible gases & carbon dioxide (Dual IR sensor) Measurement ranges: LEL 0 - 100% LEL methane Vol.% 0 - 100 Vol.% methane CO2 0 - 5 Vol.% Resolution is subject to chosen application.
Option LTE GPS module smart memo
Option LTE GPS module smart memoLTE GPS module option. LTE and GPS module for simple, direct transmission of Measurement and GPS position data e.g. to an e-mail address. An LTE data package is included and permits the sending of 100 measurements (report e.g. in PDF format).
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